How to Release Music on Apple Music

Releasing music on popular platforms like Apple Music is a crucial step for artists aiming to reach a wider audience. Apple Music, with its vast user base, offers significant exposure and the potential for artists to connect with fans worldwide. This comprehensive guide will walk you through how to release music on Apple Music, ensuring that your tracks get the visibility they deserve.

Understanding Apple Music

Before diving into how to release music on Apple Music, it’s important to understand what makes Apple Music a key player in the music streaming industry. As one of the leading music streaming services, Apple Music provides artists with a platform to showcase their music to millions of listeners globally, offering personalized music recommendations, curated playlists, and radio shows. The service is known for its high-quality sound and seamless integration with Apple devices, making it a favorite among iOS users.

Step 1: Prepare Your Music

The first step in how to release music on Apple Music is preparing your music. Ensure your recordings are professionally mixed and mastered—remember, the better your music sounds, the more likely it is to be added to playlists and enjoyed by listeners. High-quality tracks reflect your professionalism and dedication to your craft.

Step 2: Choose a Digital Music Distribution Service

To release music on Apple Music, you’ll need to go through a digital music distributor. This is because Apple does not allow direct uploads from individual artists for quality control and consistency reasons. Digital distributors like Orion Distro specialize in placing music on digital platforms, including Apple Music. They handle the licensing, distribution, and royalty collection processes, making it easier for you to focus on your music. Orion Distro is known for its user-friendly service and comprehensive coverage, ensuring your music reaches not just Apple Music but other major platforms as well.

Step 3: Create Your Artist Profile

Once your distributor, such as Orion Distro, has submitted your music to Apple Music, it’s time to craft your Apple Music artist profile. This profile is crucial as it represents your image on the platform. Include high-resolution photos, an engaging bio, and links to your social media. Engaging artist profiles can attract more followers and enhance your presence on the platform.

Step 4: Promote Your Music

Learning how to release music on Apple Music is just the first part; promotion is what takes your music to the next level. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and your personal website to announce your new releases. Additionally, consider creating music videos, hosting live streams, and engaging with your listeners through social media to build momentum around your music’s release.

Step 5: Analyze Your Stream Data

After you release music on Apple Music, take advantage of the platform’s analytics tools. Apple Music for Artists offers detailed insights into how your music is performing, who your listeners are, and where they come from. This data is invaluable for planning future releases, tours, and marketing strategies.


Understanding how to release music on Apple Music is fundamental for modern artists looking to make an impact in the digital age. By ensuring your music is professionally produced, choosing the right distributor like Orion Distro, crafting an engaging artist profile, actively promoting your releases, and analyzing performance data, you can maximize your success on this popular streaming platform.

Remember, while the process of how to release music on Apple Music might seem daunting initially, the potential benefits of accessing Apple Music’s vast audience can significantly impact your career. With persistence and a strategic approach, your music can resonate with listeners across the globe.

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